Environmental Policy Statement the policy of the company is to implement the duties placed upon it under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and other statutory provisions applicable to the environment. The company considers protecting the environment equal to other management functions and any failure in complying with the latter will carry the same disciplinary consequences as any other management function. The company, while conducting its activities will ensure that its employees, agents and sub-contractors take action to:
- Minimise pollution to air/land/water.
- Reduce waste and use only waste management licensed sites for disposal purposes.
- To conserve energy.
- Minimise the environmental health risks to employees and others.
- Informing all employees on matters relevant to the environment.
- Ensure that no substances are discharged to any verge, hedgerow, water body or operation.
- Ensure that all site chemicals/substances, e.g. diesel, salt, bitumen etc. are stored safely during the works, ensuring that the site is free from all waste on completion of the operation.
- Recognise special areas of conservation and take appropriate action.
The company will obtain details of protected roadside verges, making employees aware that disturbance of these verges are to be avoided. Employees at all levels have a duty to:
- Work in a safe and efficient manner with regard not only for their own safety, but that of others and their property which may be effected by their acts or omissions.
- Halt all work operations on the discovery of protected species under British Legislation, such as badgers and their setts, all species of bat, nesting birds and great crested newts. Until the Management has been informed and permission obtained to carry on no further work will be carried out.
- Set a personal example by disposing of litter in the appropriate place.
- Assist the company to comply with the relevant statutory provisions for a healthier environment.
Clear and concise arrangements must be made as to the responsibilities for environmental matters when our employees enter the working places of others, as contractors or outside sub-contractors entering our sites will be made aware of their responsibilities.
Director: Holloway Agri-Drain Ltd.
Holloway Agri-Drain Ltd
47A Winchcombe Road Sedgeberrow Worcestershire WR11 7UZ Office: 01386 881923 Mobile: 07779247552 Email: [email protected] |